Life Skills You Should Teach Your Child By Age 9-10

Grown up children have several means to teach themselves several things in the society and in their academic life. Today students are learning so many things online. Online learning has become the most popular method for the students to quench their thirst for knowledge and information. There is so much that grown up children learn through the high-tech world we have today. Students of grown-up age are getting so much also like school LMS provides the students LMS portals also to help in their online learning. LMS portals provided by School LMS make online learning of the students very safe and helpful. Students are making their academic life more resourceful and easy with the help of online learning but what about little kids, how can we teach them so many things? The answer is you need not to. Little kids, say about till the age of 10 need some special care regarding teaching anything. Home is considered as the first school of the kids and they learn all the basic things from their parents and at home. Hence, it is the responsibility of the parents to teach their kids some life skills also. It is so because we all know the need for life skills and if these life skills are taught to the kids in this very tender age, then they never forget these teachings their whole life and you can be having a sigh of relief for your child that he or she will be self-dependent their whole life. So, let’s know about the life skills which can be taught to the child by the age of 10:
- Make your child contribute with you in the kitchen and make some simple meals. But you have to be very patient with your kid’s mischief in the kitchen like spilling the flour and throwing the vegetables. Start teaching your kid chopping the vegetables safely by making home chop the banana with a plastic knife, spoon the batter for making any dish. Teach your kid if he/she is 6 or above how to make simple noodles, make sandwiches, sprouts and let the kids above the age of 7 use a toaster and cook an easy meal on an induction cooktop which is very safe for the children, advises professionals from Unity Care. Unity Care is the nurturing home that embraces, heals, and transitions foster youth toward adult lives of independence, well-being, and purpose. We are leading the way to eradicate homelessness and inspire hope for a brighter future.
- Today mostly the learning procedure is going on computers or laptops and despite their little age kids are having an astonishing expertise over technology and technological tools. Today kids are spending more time in front of screens and therefore it is necessary to implement some rules over this pattern. When the child becomes able to use technology without taking elder’s help parents should apply parenting control on their devices by applying passwords which only mom and dad should know, let the child chat with only those who are either peers or you know them, never let your child share his/her personal details online to anyone and most importantly let you child understand that they can come to you for help anytime.
- It is a very ridiculous fact that most of the college students had never been taught how to wash their clothes and some other basic things which they should have been taught by their parents. Now it costs a good amount to go and wash the clothes in public laundries and college laundry’s hygiene is known to everyone. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to keep your child around you and teach them how to wash their dirty clothes themselves in the washing machine or by hand if they are compelled. Make this a game with your kid and teach him/her about buttons of washing machines and their functions.
- Gardening is very good for the health of kids. They enjoy adopting such creative things in their life and sometimes such things help the kids choose their career too. These days many schools are making their students learn to plant a seedling. So, parents also should include the kids into the work of gardening at home by teaching them how to plant a seedling, putting a good amount of compost in pots, how to prepare solid for plant pots and putting the pots in a decorative manner and daily watering the plants. This invokes creativity in kids and happiness too while seeing seedlings planted by them grooming and having beautiful flowers.